Monday, March 26, 2007

ఈ పరీక్షలు

(పేద్ద నిట్టూర్పు) ఈ USMLE ప్రయాణం సాగించే వాళ్ళల్లో నేనూ ఒకడిని అనే విషయం మీకు చాలా మందికి తెలిసే ఉంటుంది. ఈ ప్రయాణం ఇప్పటికే చాలా మంది చేసి ఉన్నారు. వాళ్ళకి అంత కష్టతరం అనిపించలేదు. ఈ దోవను ఎంచుకున్న వాళ్ళు ఎక్కువై ప్రతీ సంవత్సరం ఇది challengingగా తయారవుతోంది.

అదలా ఉంటే, నాకు వచ్చిన offer చిన్నదని మొదట అనుకున్న నేనే మా మిత్రులకి వచ్చిన result చూసి అదృష్టం అనుకున్నాను. మా program director చలవా అని తొందరపడి రాసిన Step 3 పరీక్ష విషమించింది.

ఇన్నాళ్ళూ జూన్ నెల వరకూ ఏమీ చెయ్యక్కర లేదు అనుకున్న నాకు, విపరీతమైన పని(అనగా చదువు) దొరికింది. నేను residency చేరే సరికి up to dateగా ఉండనేమో అన్న మా directorగారి భయం కూడా తీరింది. :)

ప్రస్తుతానికి ఇంతకంటే రాయలేను. మళ్ళీ మాట్లాడుదాం. ఉంటాను.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the world’s deadliest diseases:

  • One third of the world’s population are infected with TB.
  • Each year, nearly 9 million people around the world
    become sick with TB.
  • Each year, there are almost 2 million TB-related deaths worldwide.
  • TB is the leading killer of people who are HIV infected.

You can prevent TB

What is TB?

Man coughing"TB" is short for a disease called tuberculosis. TB is spread by tiny germs that can float in the air. The TB germs may spray into the air if a person with TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, shouts, or sneezes. Anyone nearby can breathe TB germs into the lungs.

TB germs can live in your body without making you sick. This is called TB infection. Your immune system traps TB germs with special germ fighters. Your germ fighters keep TB germs from making you sick.

But sometimes, the TB germs can break away and spread. Then they cause TB disease. The germs can attack the lungs or other parts of the body. They can go to the kidneys, the brain, or the spine. If people have TB disease, they need medical help. If they don’t get help, they can die.

How do I know if I have TB infection?

Image of a TB skin testA skin test is the only way to tell if you have TB infection. The test is "positive" if a bump about the size of a pencil eraser or bigger appears on your arm. This bump means you probably have TB infection.

What should I do if I have TB infection?

If you have TB infection, you may need treatment so you will not get TB disease later. This is called "preventive" treatment. Isoniazid (INH) is the anti-TB drug used most often.

Unless you get preventive treatment, TB infection can turn into TB disease. Those who are more likely to get sick from TB disease include:

  • alcoholics or injection drug users;Image of medication bottles

  • people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, certain types of cancers, and being underweight; and especially

  • people with HIV infection (the virus that causes AIDS).

These things make your body weaker. When your body is weaker, it can’t fight TB germs any more and TB infection can turn into TB disease.

It is very important that your take your preventive treatment as soon as your doctor recommends. It takes at least six months to a year to kill all the TB germs. Remember, you will always have TB germs in your body unless you kill them with the right medicine.

Protect your family and friends from TB - take all your anti-TB drugs!

Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)
Posted: January 2007

What is tuberculosis (TB)?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by germs that are spread from person to person through the air. TB usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body, such as the brain, the kidneys, or the spine. In most cases, TB is treatable and curable; however, persons with TB can die if they do not get proper treatment.

What is multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB)?

Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB) is TB that is resistant to at least two of the best anti-TB drugs, isoniazid and rifampin. These drugs are considered first-line drugs and are used to treat all persons with TB disease.

What is extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB)?

Extensively drug resistant TB (XDR TB) is a rare type of MDR TB. XDR TB is defined as TB which is resistant to isoniazid and rifampin, plus resistant to any fluoroquinolone and at least one of three injectable second-line drugs (i.e., amikacin, kanamycin, or capreomycin).

Because XDR TB is resistant to first-line and second-line drugs, patients are left with treatment options that are much less effective.

XDR TB is of special concern for persons with HIV infection or other conditions that can weaken the immune system. These persons are more likely to develop TB disease once they are infected, and also have a higher risk of death once they develop TB.

How is TB spread?

Drug-susceptible TB and MDR TB are spread the same way. TB germs are put into the air when a person with TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings. These germs can float in the air for several hours, depending on the environment. Persons who breathe in the air containing these TB germs can become infected.

TB is not spread by

  • shaking someone’s hand
  • sharing food or drink
  • touching bed linens or toilet seats
  • sharing toothbrushes
  • kissing
  • smoking or sharing cigarettes

How does drug resistance happen?

Resistance to anti-TB drugs can occur when these drugs are misused or mismanaged. Examples include when patients do not complete their full course of treatment; when health-care providers prescribe the wrong treatment, the wrong dose, or length of time for taking the drugs; when the supply of drugs is not always available; or when the drugs are of poor quality.

Who is at risk for getting MDR TB?

Drug resistance is more common in people who:

  • do not take their TB medicine regularly
  • do not take all of their TB medicine as told by their doctor or nurse
  • develop active TB disease again, after having taken TB medicine in the past
  • come from areas of the world where drug-resistant TB is common
  • have spent time with someone known to have drug-resistant TB disease

How can MDR TB be prevented?

The most important thing a person can do to prevent the spread of MDR TB is to take all of their medications exactly as prescribed by their health care provider. No doses should be missed and treatment should not be stopped early. Patients should tell their health care provider if they are having trouble taking the medications. If patients plan to travel, they should make sure they have enough medicine to last while away.

Health care providers can help prevent MDR TB by quickly diagnosing cases, following recommended treatment guidelines, monitoring patients’ response to treatment, and making sure therapy is completed.

Another way to prevent getting MDR TB is to avoid exposure to known MDR TB patients in closed or crowded places such as hospitals, prisons, or homeless shelters. If you work in hospitals or health-care settings where TB patients are likely to be seen, you should consult infection control or occupational health experts. Ask about administrative and environmental procedures for preventing exposure to TB. Once those procedures are implemented, additional measures could include using personal respiratory protective devices.

Is there a vaccine to prevent TB?

There is a vaccine for TB disease called Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). It is used in some countries to prevent severe forms of TB in children. However, BCG is not generally recommended in the United States because it has limited effectiveness for preventing TB overall.

What should I do if I think I have been exposed to someone with TB disease?

If you think you have been exposed to someone with TB disease, you should contact your doctor or local health department about getting a TB skin test.

What are the symptoms of TB disease?

The general symptoms of TB disease include feelings of sickness or weakness, weight loss, fever, and night sweats. The symptoms of TB disease of the lungs may also include coughing, chest pain, and coughing up blood. Symptoms of TB disease in other parts of the body depend on the area affected. If you have these symptoms, you should contact your doctor or local health department.

Additional Information

CDC. Multidrug-Resistant TB (MDR TB) MMWRs.

CDC. Questions and Answers About TB (2005).

CDC. Tuberculosis: General Information (2006).

CDC. Tuberculin Skin Testing (2006).

CDC. Tuberculosis Information for International Travelers (2006).

Promising new CD4-targeted anti-HIV drugs

It is imperative to continue efforts to identify novel effective therapies that can assist in containing the spread of HIV. Recently acquired knowledge about the HIV entry process points to new strategies to block viral entry. For most HIV strains, the successful infection of their target cells is mainly dependent on the presence of the CD4 surface molecule, which serves as the primary virus receptor. The attachment of the viral envelope to this cellular CD4 receptor can be considered as an ideal target with multiple windows of opportunity for therapeutic intervention. Therefore, drugs that interfere with the CD4 receptor, and thus inhibit viral entry, may be promising agents for the treatment of AIDS. The CD4-targeted HIV entry inhibitors cyclotriazadisulfonamides represent a novel class of small molecule antiviral agents with a unique mode of action. The lead compound, CADA, specifically interacts with the cellular CD4 receptor and is active against a wide variety of HIV strains at submicromolar levels when evaluated in different cell-types such as T cells, monocytes and dendritic cells. Moreover, a strict correlation has been demonstrated between anti-HIV activity and CD4 interaction of about 20 different CADA analogues. In addition, CADA acted synergistically in combination with all other FDA-approved anti-HIV drugs as well as with compounds that target the main HIV co-receptors. In this article, the characteristics of cyclotriazadisulfonamide compounds are presented and the possible application of CADA as a microbicide is also discussed.

Veiw Full Article

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The TB Soup - March 24th World TB day

TB Soup

The Recipe to Maintain and Increase Tuberculosis

-- By Alberto Colorado, Director
Binational Health Project
County of San Diego
3851 Rosecrans St.
P.O. Box 85222, MS P511D
San Diego, CA 92186-5222

This is a program launched by the US-Mexico Office of Border Health, Texas. My freind and a member of Stop TB partnership, Dr. Sumanth had talked to some of the TB patients along the border and participated in the PhotoVoice Program. I would like to thank him for the contributuion and appreaciate his work. We all can contribute to this problem of Tuberculosis, even if we are not in our home country in anyway from spreading the awareness, doing TB research or planning programs or at the grassroot level.

This recipe below has not just come out of the blue. It was done with all efforts to have exact correlation with statistics available. This is very much applicable to the mexican border but if data is available on indian statistics regarding contributing factors to TB, we would make our recipe.

While I was doing this, I found this article about TB in INDIA. Have a look.

Tuberculosis is a disease that has prevailed through the centuries in indigent populations. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century we still follow the old recipe that favors a culture of separation between the people who have the disease and those who treat it.


  • 1 drug sensitive and 1 drug resistant Mycobacteria
  • 40 oz. Mobile population without health insurance
  • 50 oz. Lack of access to care and patient education
  • 90 oz. Fragmented and costly medical system
  • 90 oz. Narrow vision of the problem
  • 50 oz. Barriers to communication
  • 50 oz. Cultural ignorance
  • 50 oz. Poverty and isolation
  • ½ cup of HIV
  • 1 tbsp. Alcohol and drugs
  • 1 tbsp. of Diabetes
  • ½ cup of Malnutrition
  • ½ cup Stress
  • a dash of Racism and discrimination
  • a dash of Negligence


1- Mix the drug sensitive and drug resistant mycobacteria with a mobile population without health insurance, with a lack of access to care and patient education, who do not understand the medical provider’s language, with a fragmented health system and a narrow vision of the problem.

2- Add the medical provider’s ignorance about the patient’s culture and medical history.

3- Add the patient’s ignorance about the medical system and the disease.

4- Fold in, slowly, all the diseases and conditions associated with TB: alcohol, drugs, malnutrition, diabetes and stress.

5- Mix it all with negligence, racism and discrimination and pour into a container decorated with the thorns of poverty and isolation.

6- Serve cold, thinking only of statistics and forget those who are personally affected by it.

World TB day March 24th - KNOW MORE 'BOUT TB

Description : TB bacteria swimming among the cilia of the lung.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Sir Robert Hutchinson

"From inability to let well alone; from too much zeal for the new and contempt for what is old; from putting knowledge before wisdom, science before art, and cleverness before common sense, from treating patients as cases, and from making the cure of the disease more grievous than the endurance of the same, Good Lord, deliver us!"

A Quote Of Sir Robert Hutchinson

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Clinical Cases and Images

We all know that there is a big difference between what we read in the books and what we see in our clinical practice every day. Somehow, the patients are different from their disease description in the textbooks. As one experienced physician put it succinctly: "his CHF did not read the book." How to bridge this gap between theory and practice? By creating a case-based curriculum of clinical medicine. See what the real medicine looks like.

This curriculum was started by physicians at the Cleveland Clinic and the Case Western Reserve University (St. Vincent/St. Luke) Internal Medicine Residency Program for the purpose of medical education. Please read the website disclaimer.

President's address - K.M.C.

President's address and interaction with the students of Kurnool Medical College on the occasion of its golden jubilee, Kurnool

Kurnool , India | Posted on February 2nd, 2007

Removing the pain is a great Mission

"Medical professionals are in God's mission"

I am indeed delighted to participate in the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Kurnool Medical College and interact with the students and faculty members. I congratulate the Kurnool Medical College community both present and past who have built a robust educational framework for medical education during the last five decades. My greetings to the principal, faculty members, doctors, nurses, para-medical personnel, support staff, medical students and distinguished guests.

Dear Graduating students, when I see you all, in front of me, a scene of our country appears which links the new doctors and their role in the national mission. What is that scene? In our country, 700 million people live in 600,000 villages equivalent to 200,000 panchayats. We have 2020 Vision Document prepared by TIFAC, which mentions about the typical disease pattern which will be faced by the country in 2020. It is expected that HIV/TB combination, water borne diseases, cardiac diseases will be the predominant diseases and we have to find solutions for diagnosing and treatment. Also there are challenges for researchers for discovering molecule leading to drugs for various diseases such as diabetics, cancer, allergic diseases, inflammatory diseases, and certain type of new pattern of diseases in the tribal sector such as sickle cell disease. Many of you may take up practising healthcare in various fields and some of you may opt for research and development. The opportunities for you in the country, will be challenging equally both in the urban and rural areas. With the development of electronic connectivity and knowledge connectivity, and the spreading of health care centres and quality education we should be able to provide quality health care to our rural citizens. I am sure many of you will find working in rural areas to be really challenging.

For example, tele-medicine is a new area, you may find being used in large number of places for diagnosis and advice. Another area which is knocking at our doors is preventive healthcare. Some of you may participate in the research, development and use of vaccines against HIV, malaria and even against the cardiac diseases. There are several other avenues such as application of stem cell therapy for many ailments like treatment of heart failure and diabetics. Students should be aware of such developments taking place in the country and elsewhere. I have selected the topic for discussion "Removing the pain is a great Mission."

Tradition of Research and Vision

Recently, I met Dr. Charles Cummings, of the Johns Hopkins University Board and his team. I asked him, a question which was in my mind, "Dr Charles, What made Johns Hopkins a world class medical research institution in addition to its cherishing societal missions?" His answer was, "it is due to a great tradition, and it started with a number of visionaries simultaneously with value system, focused missions and the nature of working together. The most important aspect is the research, research base and the quantity of clinical data added everyday. This tradition continues even now". Indeed it is a great message from Dr. Charles. I am sure, every medical institution in the country should imbibe this culture that comes out of research tradition, leading to the results of the research reaching the people in the form of medi-care, medicines or vaccines. I recall, in India one of the leading institutions in Hyderabad L.V. Prasad Eye Institute has set a tradition of providing quality eye care particularly with social commitment of 1:1. 1:1 implies one free eye care service for every paid eye care service provided by the Institute. Also, they have a tradition of excellent research in Ophthalmology and they are spreading the mission to various parts of the country particularly their research in stem cell which has led to the restoration of eye sight to 300 patients with burn affected eyes.

Health status of India

India has made considerable progress in its health status since its Independence and particularly during the last fifteen years. At the time of Independence, the life expectancy of an Indian was less than thirty years. Between 1991-2006, the life expectancy of Indians has gone up from 58 to 64.35 years, infant mortality has come down from 87 to 60 deaths per 1000 live births and population growth rate has decreased from 1.9% to 1.4%. Still infant mortality is very high. We have to bring infant mortality to less than 1%.

I would like to briefly talk to you on some of the diseases and actions proposed and future need. Our experiences will definitely be shared with the third world developing nations in order to provide healthcare for all.

Drug for faster cure of tuberculosis

The entire country has been brought under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP). This will ensure that maximum number of Tuberculosis cases are detected every year and brought under direct surveillance. The treating agency must ensure that at least 80% success in fully curing the disease is achieved within the year. If this regime is followed continuously for over ten years our tuberculosis load will come down to less than ten per one lakh of population. It is essential to work faster on the development and clearance of new drugs which are in the pipeline. Educational institutions should also participate in this mission.

India has also made significant contributions in developing drugs that are critically required for India. One of the achievements comes from a laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). CSIR lab has developed a new therapeutic molecule for Tuberculosis. This molecule has shown the potential to cure TB in around 2 months, as against the standard treatment of 6 to 8 months. This breakthrough is very important. After completing the pre-clinical studies, the molecule transformed into a drug called Sudo-terb is undergoing clinical trials in humans. This development has been done as a public-private partnership involving the Lupin, the three CSIR Laboratories, namely, Central Drug Research Institute, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology and National Chemical Laboratory, and the University of Hyderabad. It is hoped that the drug will be in the market soon after the clinical trials. In addition to the above, there is also a need to develop a more effective vaccine against tuberculosis. The combined action of surveillance, detection and disciplined treatment have to work together to ensure faster cure of existing cases. Prevention of future cases has to be achieved through R & D efforts of developing new breed of vaccine and medicines. The collaborative action is needed between healthcare personnel, academicians, doctors, researchers and the pharmaceutical companies both in the private and public sectors to accomplish this mission.


Incidence of Malaria has reduced from 22 lakh to 18 lakh in the period 1998-2006. However, the death cases has increased from 644 to 943. I understand that the conventional medicine used for treatment of Malaria namely Chloroquin has become resistant to Falciparum which causes cerebral Malaria. Our scientific community has developed and produced a drug named Arteether from Artemisinin which has been found to be an effective cure for cerebral Malaria. I understand that this drug is being exported to over forty countries. Also, Ranbaxy has acquired a malarial drug molecule and they are progressing towards clinical trials. The fully developed drug will be available in the market soon. This will be another important milestone in the treatment of Malaria.

Over the years, I find that in spite of our efforts there is no rapid reduction in the occurrence of Malaria cases in the country. While taking up new projects, it is essential to have multi-faceted inter-sectoral collaboration between various partners so that the impact assessment of the project on new type of diseases can be foreseen and suitable preventive action taken to contain the disease. In addition to this, we have to improve the surveillance, develop rapid diagnostic kit and use the conventional prevention methods of spraying to control the vector. International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Bio-technology in collaboration with Bharat Bio-tech has developed a vaccine for Malaria which will go for toxicity trials on animals. There is a need to speed up such projects so that they will benefit the entire community who are affected by Malaria in different parts of the world. KMC can participate in such missions. Now, I would like to present HIV /AIDS control.

HIV/AIDS Control

Today in our country, all age groups put together have an incidence of 5.7 million HIV cases. 163 out of 611 districts in the country have a high proportion of HIV cases. The scientific community had a very important mission of determining the genetic nature of HIV that will lead to its cure. The genetic nature when studied had some surprises. The retro virus is RNA based and not DNA based. Most retro viruses have only three genes, whereas the HIV virus had nine genes, with 9200 base pairs. With this understanding of the genetic nature, a number of drugs have come in at least to control HIV in as it is where it is condition. This intervention extends the life of HIV affected persons. The typical drug which has been developed and produced abroad is AZT, based on DNA synthesis. It halts the spread of the disease. Another medicine found is INDINAVIR with equally good results. A foreign University has tried a combination of AZT-INDINAVIR and 3TC, for some patients, which gave unique results fully suppressing the HIV AID virus. Of course research is continuing. I am sharing this with the young students, to convey that there is a possibility of controlling HIV and extending the life of patients. However, the cost of the medicine was so far prohibitive. Indian companies have already brought down the cost of first line treatment to an AIDS patient from 12,000 US dollars to 300 US dollars per year. Similarly, the cost of second line treatment has also been brought down through the development of medicines such as Viraday a substitute for Atripla from 12,000 US dollars a month to 110 US dollars a month. Medical community assembled here should make use of these medicines so that further cost effective methods can be evolved.

Development of Anti HIV Vaccine

Apart from the HIV control protocol, the most important mission for the country today has to be the prevention of the spread of HIV further. There is no other way other than developing and leading to production an effective anti-HIV vaccine.

Phase one clinical trials of an imported Adeno-Associated Virus based HIV vaccine was initiated at the National AIDS Research Institute, Pune in early 2005. Thirty volunteers that were enrolled in the study and given HIV vaccine will complete follow up in January 2007. The vaccine has been tolerated well by volunteers and safety is good. Immunogenicity studies were carried out during the follow up. Results will be decoded and analyzed after follow up of the last volunteer is completed. In the event of the successful completion of Phase-I trials, technology transfer to an Indian company will take place. Another Phase-I vaccine trial was initiated last year at the Tuberculosis Research Centre for the Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) based vaccine developed from the Indian HIV-1 sub type C virus genes. This vaccine has been developed by Indian Scientists in collaboration with a US company under the ICMR-NACO-LAVI programme. These two anti-HIV vaccines have to be completed with a time bound mission mode, as it is very important for India's HIV control programme. It is also essential to take up a third fully indigenous anti-HIV programme as a collaborative work between educational institutions like KMC, research laboratories and traditional medicine practitioners.

Management of Cardiac Diseases

Multi-dimensional solutions are available for management of the diseases based on my discussion with experts. The solutions include medicinal treatment using Statins, which lowers the cholesterol in the blood by reducing the production of cholesterol by the liver. Statins block the enzyme in the liver responsible for making excess cholesterol. However one has to be careful about the side effects and take adequate precautions while treating the patients. The second is through angiography and angioplasty using stents. I understand that very soon we may have bio-degradable stents. The next generation stents may be nano-stents. If the heart blockage is severe, valve defect and death of cells in the heart due to less blood supply etc. surgical intervention will be necessary or it may lead to treatment using stem cells.

Non-invasive treatment for Coronary Artery Disease

Today, I find that cardio vascular treatment moving towards a totally non-invasive treatment using EXTERNAL COUNTER PULSATION (ECP), a truly non-operative, non-pharmaceutical, safe and effective treatment which is being used in many countries. In India also a few centres have come up. This is a ripe area for research of the faculty members and students of KMC, Kurnool.


Human disorders can be classified into three broad categories. They are genetic disorders, disorders due to cellular function deficiency and disorders arising out of certain pathogens. I recommend intensive research for developing and producing cost effective treatment regime for the above categories of disorder through

(a) Gene therapy and gene chip research

(b) Stem cell research and

(c) Combination vaccine and pathogen specific antibiotics

This could lead to cost effective and safe treatment for the needy and improve the quality of life of mankind on this planet. KMC can be a partner in some of these research areas.

Recently, there was a meeting of cured patients, their doctors and a few social workers. One important point emerged during the interaction was that the relationship between the patient and doctor extends to patients' family. This in turn, transmits effective messages from one family to another family on advice to prevent diseases, necessity of periodic checks, the dietary habits and the need for life style changes including exercise for good health. Actually, I believe this good contact between the doctor and patients is very valuable. I request every doctor of KMC to play the role of a teacher in advising every family on disease prevention and methods to lead a healthy life. This message should also be given to all the students graduating from KMC so that they will find time to put this noble action into practise during the medical career.

Giving quality health care through continuous acquisition of knowledge, upgrading diagnosis and treatment, providing care and counselling particularly to the unreached should become the life time mission of each one of you graduating from KMC. Thus you will contribute effectively to the mission of developed India 2020.

My greetings to all the members of KMC Kurnool during their Golden Jubilee Celebrations and my best wishes to the students and faculty members of this college in their mission of developing quality healthcare professionals for nation building.

May God bless you.

Five Point Oath for Medical Professionals

1. We the medical professionals realize that we are in God's mission.

2. We will always give part of our time for treating patients who cannot afford.

3. We will treat at least 20 rural patients in a year at minimum cost by going to rural areas.

4. We will encourage the development of quality indigenous equipments and consumables by making use of them and assisting in enhancing the quality and reliability of the products.

5. We will follow the motto "Let my brain remove the pain of the suffering humanity and bring smiles".

Five Point Oath for Medical Professionals

1. We the medical professionals realize that we are in God's mission.

2. We will always give part of our time for treating patients who cannot afford.

3. We will treat at least 20 rural patients in a year at minimum cost by going to rural areas.

4. We will encourage the development of quality indigenous equipments and consumables by making use of them and assisting in enhancing the quality and reliability of the products.

5. We will follow the motto "Let my brain remove the pain of the suffering humanity and bring smiles".

-- Sri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President Of India.

Health Care: Technology Vision 2020 (Detailed Report)
Code No : TIFAC:V:08:III:DR

Title : Health Care: Technology Vision 2020 (Detailed Report)

Summary : In the field of eye care immediate attention is to be given for adequate availability of indigenously produced Vitamin-A. Indigenous production of better quality Intraocular lens (IOLs). ; To tackle the problems of Cancer, it is essential to develop state level transfusion services network. Action should be taken to set up one Cobalt-60 unit per million population and Plasma phersis facilities at specialised centres.; Investment in R&D for availability of newer anti-epileptic drugs at lower costs and for generating indigenous technology for electromyelography, needs priority attention. ; Indigenous technological strengths for production of low cost rapid diagnostic kits are required to tackle cardiovascular disorders. ; Indigenous production of consumables for dialysis and transplants is an important area identified for tackling renal diseases.; Replacing iodised salt with double fortified salt, and provision of prophylaxis for all eligible children, are emphasized in the area of Maternal & Child Health. ; For managing diabetes, indigenous production of low-cost self monitoring kits and inexpensive human/newer types of insulin, are required.; Monoclonal diagnostic aids for detecting TB, wider application of biological vector control for malaria, reliable barrier methods to minimise risks of accidental transmission of AIDS etc., are to be given priority for controlling infectious diseases. "It is forecast that TB, AIDS, Vector-borne and diarrhoeal diseases are likely to be major ones in the future."; For controlling genetic disorders it is envisaged to resort to primary prevention of neural tube defects by folic acid supplementation to all child bearing women.; Well organised trauma & burn care services at district levels, indigenous production of high-quality, low-weight prosthetic & orthotic devices, are very important for to prevent damage from injuries and accidents.

Table Of Contents : Scenario topics : The Ophthalmology Scenario, Scenario of Cancer In India, Scenario: Neurological, Neuro-Surgical, Psychiatric disorder, and addictions, Scenario for Cardiovascular Disorders, Scenario: Renal Diseases and Hypertension, Scenario: Maternal & Child Health, Scenario: Diabetes, Scenario:Infections Diseases, Scenario: Genetic Disorders, Scenario: Gastro-Intestinal disorders, Scenario: Accidents and Injuries, Scenario: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.

Price : Rs3000/-

Category : Technology Vision 2020 Reports

Online Executive Summary of the report will be available soon

For Ordering, please fill the order form or contact Shri A.K Ahuja, Manager (P&CS)
Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), 'A' Wing, Vishwakarma Bhawan, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016.(India), Ph: +91-(0)11-26511374, 26592615, 26592614, Fax no.: +91-(0)11-26961158, Email:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

శృతి నీవు, గతి నీవు!! Swati KiraNam

శృతి నీవు, గతి నీవు, ఈ నాకృతి నీవు భారతి! -2-
ఈ నా కృతి నీవు భారతి! -2-
శృతి నీవు, గతి నీవు, ఈ నా కృతి నీవు భారతి!
ధృతి నీవు, ద్యుతి నీవు, శరణా గతి నీవు భారతి! - 2 -
శరణా గతి నీవు భారతి!

నీ పదములొత్తిన పధము, ఈ పధము, నిత్యకైవల్య పధము!
నీ కొలువుకోరిన తనువు, ఈ తనువు, నిగమార్ధ నిధులున్న నెలవు!
కోరినా, మిగిలిన కోరికేమి? నిను కొనియాడు కృతుల పెన్నిధి తప్ప!
చేరినా, ఇక చేరు వున్నదేమి? నీ శ్రీచరణ దివ్య సన్నిధి తప్ప !

శ్రీ నాధ కవి నాధ శృంగార కవితాతరంగాలు నీ స్ఫూర్తులే!
అల అన్నమాచర్య కలవాణి అలరించు కీర్తనలు నీకీర్తులే! - 2 -

త్యాగయ్య గళసీమ రావిల్లిన అనంతరాగాలు నీమూర్తులే!
నీ కరుణ నెలకున్న ప్రతి రచనం జననీ భవతారక మంత్రాక్షరం !

గోవుల్లు తెల్లన. గోపయ్య నల్లనా. గోధూళి ఎర్రనా, ఎందువలన?

గోవుల్లు తెల్లన. గోపయ్య నల్లనా. గోధూళి ఎర్రనా, ఎందువలన?
గోవుల్లు తెల్లన. గోపయ్య నల్లనా. గోధూళి ఎర్రనా, ఎందువలన?
గోధూళి ఎర్రనా, ఎందువలన?
చరణమ్ 1
తెల్లావు కడుపుల్లో కర్రావులుండవా!
కర్రావు కడుపున ఎర్రావు పుట్టదా!
తెల్లావు కడుపుల్లో కర్రావు లుండవా!
కర్రావు కడుపున ఎర్రావు పుట్టదా!

గోపయ్య ఆడున్న, గోపెమ్మ ఈడున్న,
గోధూళి కుంకుమై గోపెమ్మ కంటదా!

ఆ పొద్దు పొడిచేనా?!ఈ పొద్దు గడిచేనా?!
ఎందువలన అంటే అందువలనా.
ఎందువలన అంటే దైవఘటనా.

చరనం 2
పిల్లనగ్రోవికి నిలువెల్ల గాయాలు!
అల్లనమోవికి తాకితే గేయాలు!
ఆ.. ఆ.. ఆ.. ఆ..
పిల్లనగ్రోవికి నిలువెల్ల గాయాలు!
అల్లనమోవికి తాకితే గేయాలు!
ఆ మురళి మూగైనా, ఆ పెదవి మోడైనా,
ఆ గుండె గొంతులో, ఈ పాట నిండదా!!

ఈ కడిమి పూసేనా?!
ఆ కలిమి చూసేనా?!

గోవుల్లు తెల్లన. గోపయ్య నల్లనా. గోధూళి ఎర్రనా, ఎందువలన?
గోవుల్లు తెల్లన. గోపయ్య నల్లనా. గోధూళి ఎర్రనా, ఎందువలన?
గోధూళి ఎర్రనా, ఎందువలన?
ఎందువలన అంటే అందువలనా.
ఎందువలన అంటే దైవఘటనా.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

నెమలికి నేర్పిన నడకలివి!! Sapthapadi

నెమలికి నేర్పిన నడకలివి
మురళికి అందని పరుగులివి
శౄంగార సంగీత నృత్యాభినయవేల
చూడాలి నా నాట్య లీలా
చరనం 1
కలహంసలకిచ్చిన పదగతులు
ఇల కోయిల మెచ్చిన స్వరజతులు
కలహంసలకిచ్చిన పదగతులు
ఇల కోయిల మెచ్చిన స్వర జతులు
ఎనెన్నో వన్నెల వెన్నెలలు
యేవేవో కన్నుల కిన్నెరలు
యెనెన్నో వన్నెల వెన్నెలలు
యేవేవో కన్నుల కిన్నెరలు
కలిసి మెలిసి కళలు విరిసి మెరిసిన
కాళిదాసు కమనీయ కల్పన
వల్ప శిల్ప మణిమేఖలను శకుంతలను
చరనం 2
చిరునవ్వులు అభినవ మల్లికలు
సిరిమువ్వలు అభినయ గీతికలు
చిరునవ్వులు అభినవ మల్లికలు
సిరిమువ్వలు అభినయ గీతికలు
నీలాల కన్నుల్లో తారకలు
తారాడే చూపుల్లో చంద్రికలు
నీలాల కన్నుల్లో తారకలు
తారాడే చూపుల్లో చంద్రికలు
కురులు విరిసి మరులు కురిసి మురిసిన
రవి వర్మ చిత్ర లేఖన
లేఖ సరస సౌందర్య రేఖను
శసి రేఖను

Monday, March 19, 2007

Piya Basanthi Re

Piya basanti re kaahe sataaye aaja -2
Jaane kya jaadoo kiya
Pyaar ki dhun chhede jiya
O kaahe sataaye aaja
Piya basanti re kaahe sataaye aaja

(O baadal ne angdayi li jo kabhi
Lehraya dharti ka aanchal) -2
Yeh patta pata yeh boota boota
Chhede hai kaisi yeh halchal
Manwa yeh dole jaane kya bole -2

Maanega na mera jiya
Tere hain ham tere piya
O kaahe sataaye aaja
Piya basanti re kaahe sataaye aaja

Palkon ke sirhaane baithe khwaab wahi jo aane wale
Dil ki giraha giraha khole man mein pyaar jagaane wale
Haan palkon ke sirhaane baithe khwaab wahi jo aane wale
Dil ki giraha giraha khole man mein pyaar jagaane wale
Satrangi sapne bole re
Kaahe sataaye aaja

O piya basanti re kaahe sataaye aaja

Piya basanti re kaahe sataaye aaja

Jaane kya jaadoo kiya
Pyaar ki dhun chhede jiya

O kaahe sataaye aaja
Piya basanti re kaahe sataaye aaja

ठुमक चलत रामचंद्र Thumak Chalat Ramchandra

ठुमक चलत रामचंद्र
ठुमक चलत रामचंद्र बाजत पैंजनियां ..

किलकि किलकि उठत धाय गिरत भूमि लटपटाय .
धाय मात गोद लेत दशरथ की रनियां ..

अंचल रज अंग झारि विविध भांति सो दुलारि .
तन मन धन वारि वारि कहत मृदु बचनियां ..

विद्रुम से अरुण अधर बोलत मुख मधुर मधुर .
सुभग नासिका में चारु लटकत लटकनियां ..

तुलसीदास अति आनंद देख के मुखारविंद .
रघुवर छबि के समान रघुवर छबि बनियां ..

Baby Ram walks, swaying unsteadily
Baby Ram..
His anklets ring in tune with his steps

Laughing joyously he stumbles around on the ground
He is fondly picked into the laps of King Dashraths queens

Baby Ram walks...

His anklets...

They cover him with their saris, dusting the dirt off and caressing his bruises
They offer loving and reassuring words of devotion to make him feel better

Baby Ram walks...

His anklets...

Baby Ram's ruby red lips speak sweet melodious words
Ornaments decorate his nose and waist

Baby Ram walks...

His anklets...

Poet Tulsidas is thrilled at the face of Ram, which has the glory of the Sun
Baby Ram is exactly what he had imagined him to be

Baby Ram walks...

His anklets...

Tuberculosis - World TB day - 5 days to go

XDR - TB Explained

HIV/TB in India: a public health challenge.

Pathni AK, Chauhan LS.

The impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on the epidemiology of TB worldwide is being noted with growing concern. Patients with HIV are more susceptible to opportunistic diseases including TB. The risk of development of TB in HIV-infected patients in India is 6.9/100 person-years compared to a 10% lifetime risk of developing TB in an HIV negative individual with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Treatment with DOTS significantly prolongs the life of HIV-infected persons with TB. The Government of India emphasised the need for strengthening collaboration between TB and AIDS control programmes for better management of HIV-infected patients with TB. Areas with higher prevalence of HIV infection have been prioritised the RNTCP coverage and most are already implementing the RNTCP. The basic purpose of HIV-TB programme co-ordination is to ensure optimal synergy between the two programmes for prevention and control of both the diseases.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

జగదానంద కారకా Jagadaananda Karaka at Thiruvayur Thyagarajotsava

Trinity of Carnatic music

The three prolific 18th century composers. Thyagaraja, Muthuswamy Dikshitar and Syama Sastri are collectively known as the Trinity of Carnatic music. Carnatic music is based centrally on a number of compositions, mostly attributed top them. The composititions of Syama Sastri, whose actual name was Venkata Subrahmanya, are know for their intricate rhythmic patterns, those of Thyatraraja for the happy blend of emotion and melody and compositions of compositions of Dikshitar for their depiction of melodic beauty and variety.

Largest congregation of classical musicians

The Thyagaraja Aradhana Festival, held every Jan, Feb. on the banks of the river Cauvery at Thiruvayur in Tamil Nadu brings, together over 1,000 renowned classical music artistes from across the globe. As a mark of respect to the great master, the Pancharatna (five gems) kritis are rendered in unison by all the artistes on the Aradhana day, the day he attained Samadhi.

These videos are two parts of the first of the five jems - Jagadaananda Kaarakaa. జగదానంద కారకా !! You can see many famous carnatic personalities in these videos.

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Watch Swades Online

Set in modern day India, Swades is a film that tackles the issues that development throws up on a grass root level. It is to this India, which is colorful, heterogeneous and complex that Mohan Bhargava (Shah Rukh Khan), a bright young scientist working as a project manager in NASA, returns to on a quest to find his childhood nanny.

The film uses the contrast between the highly developed world of NASA, which has been at the forefront of advances in space research, and this world back home in India, which is at the crossroads of development. Mohan's simple quest becomes the journey that every one of us goes through in search of that metaphysical and elusive place called "home".

The Beginning
The idea of Swades was first born before Ashutosh wrote and directed Lagaan, but he decided to realize it on film only after Lagaan. He wanted to produce the film himself but realized that the responsibility of managing a production while assuming the dual role of direction at the same time was immense and would be possible only if his wife Sunita Gowariker agreed to execute the production at his side. Sunita decided to take up the task and in December 2002, Ashutosh set up his own production house and turned producer in order to bring Swades onto the big screen.

Links : Part 1 Part 2

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mr Pellam - Telugu Cinema Online

Mr Pellam - Telugu Cinema Online
*ing: rajendra Prasad, Amani

Dialogues: Mullapudi Venkata Ramana.
Direction : Bapu.

Rajendraprasad ... Balaji
Aamani ... Jhansi
A.V.S. Subramanyam ... Gopal
Subramaniam Dharmavarapu

గోపాలకృష్ణ MD of the Office to his employees: "my dear freinds!!"
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం his assistant : "ఆహా!! what a voice?!! what a voice?!!"

గోపాల్ : "silence."

గోపాల్ : "మీ అందరికీ నా హృదయ పూర్వక కృష్ణాష్ఠమి శుభాకాంక్షలు."
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం : "ఆహా !!what a simplicity!! what a simplicity!" "ఆహా !!ఓహొహొహొహొ!!"

గోపాల్ : "ఇవాళ మనమందరం ఇక్కడ ఎందుకు కలుసుకున్నామో మీకు తెలియనిది కాదు. ఇవాళ కృష్ణాష్ఠమి"
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం : "fantastic!! what a memory!! what a memory power!!"

గోపాల్ : "నేను పిలవగానే మీరందరూ పిల్లా-జల్లాతో వచ్చినందుకు నాకెంతో సంతోషం!"
బాలాజీ and ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం : "ఆహా! ఎంత గొప్ప మనసు !!"

గోపాల్ : "thanks" "మీరంతా గమనించే ఉంటారు ఇవాళ సాంప్రదాయ సిద్ధంగా ఉండాలనే ఐడియాతో dressకూడా వెరైటీగా వేసా!!"
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం : "hey! what a beautiful idea.!"

గోపాల్ కోపంగా "thanks"
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం : "sir ! నాదో చిన్న request, sir!"

గోపాల్ : "చెప్పండి"
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం : "అసలు కృష్ణాష్ఠమి అంటే ఎవిటో సెలవిచ్చి, మా కళ్ళు తెరిపించండి, saar!!"

గోపాల్ : "sure" "అసలు కృష్ణాష్ఠమి అంటే ఎవితంతే.."
బాలాజీ : "here!! here!" "sorry, saar!! please carry on.."

గోపాల్ : "never mind!!" "అసలు కృష్ణాష్ఠమి అంటే అసలు అంతే ఎవితంతే.."
బాలాజీ : "చెప్పండి సార్ !!చెప్పండి సార్ !!"clapping "చెప్పండి !!చెప్పండి!!"

గోపాల్ : "అసలు కృష్ణాష్ఠమి అంటే.."
బాలాజీ పిల్లాడితో: "నోర్ముయ్!! నోర్ముయ్యమన్నానా!!" గోపాల్తో " చారీ!!"

గోపాల్ : "never mind" "అసలు కృష్ణాష్ఠమి అంతే
కృష్ణుడి birthday"
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం : "ఆహా!!హహహ!!" "what an observation?!!" "what a brain?!!"

బాలాజీ : "జీతవెంతో చెప్పూ... ఉద్యోగం పెద్దదో చిన్నదో నేను చెప్తాను."
ఝాన్సీ : "మూడు"
బాలాజీ : "వందలా? పదులా?"
ఝాన్సీ : "ఒక్కట్లు"
ధర్మవరపు సుభ్రమణ్యం ఫోనులో : "హల్లో!! ఎవరండీ మట్లాడేది?"

సార్!! మీరా సార్??

"మీ కోసం ఎవరో లేడీస్ వచ్చారు సార్"


"లేడీస్ అంటె ఒక్కరే లేడీస్ సార్"


"ఎంథ జోకేసారు సార్!! ఎంథ జోకేసారు సార్!!"

"మమ్మీ పోయి డాడి వచ్చె!! ఢాం!! ఢాం!! ఢాం!!

బాలాజి ఉద్యోగం ఊడి ఇంకెక్కడా రాకపోయేసరికి ఇంట్లో కూర్చుని పుస్తకం పట్టుకుని

"ఓం పరభ్రమ్హనే నమహ!! శ్రీ మద్భగవద్గీత!! టీకా తాత్పర్య సహితము!! నవోదయా పుబ్లిషర్స్!! విజయవాడా, గుంటూర్"

ఝాన్సీ : "అదంతా వైరాగ్యమే?"

బాలాజీ : "ఫాను"

బాలాజీ : "కుర్నూలు, కరీమ్నగర్ మరియు మాస్కొ. వెల పధ్రెండణాలు కాపి రైట్ రిజర్వుడూ."

భర్తల్ సేయగరాని వంట గలదే భార్యల్ సవాల్జేసినన్?!!

ఇంకా ఎన్నో నవ్వులు కావాలా? చూడండి సినిమా!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

బంటు రీతి కొలువియ్యవయ్య రామా |

బంటు రీతి కోలు
రాగం - హంస నాదం
ఆ: స రి2 మ2 ప ద3 ని3 స
అవ్: స ని3 ద3 ప మ2 రి2 స
తాళం: ఆది
త్యాగరాజ కీర్తన

బంటు రీతి కొలువియ్యవయ్య (కొలువు + ఇయ్యవయ్య) రామా |
తుంట వింటి వాని మొదలైన మదా- |
దుల గొట్టి నేల గూల జేయు నిజ ||

రోమాంచ మను ఘన కంచుకము |
రామ భక్తుడను ముద్ర బిళ్ళయు ||
రామ నామ మను వరఖడ్గము వి ( విరాజిల్లునయ్య)
రాజిల్లు నైయ్య త్యాగరాజునికి ||

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Aja re - AAH

Lata: aa jaa re..
aa jaa re, ab meraa dil pukaaraa
ro ro ke Gham bhi haaraa
badnaam na ho pyaar meraa
aa jaa re
aa.. aa aa aa, aa aa aa aa aa aa aa, huN huN...
Mukesh: maut meri taraf aane lagi
jaan teri taraf jaane lagi
bol shaam-e-judaai kyaa kare - 2
aas milne ki taDpaane lagi
aa jaa re, ab meraa dil pukaaraa
ro ro ke Gham bhi haaraa
badnaam na ho pyaar meraa
aa jaa re
Lata: ho o o ghabraaye haay ye dil - 2
sapnoN mein aake kabhi mil - 2
aa jaa re, ab meraa dil pukaaraa
ro ro ke Gham bhi haaraa
badnaam na ho pyaar meraa
aa jaa re
aa.. aa aa aa, aa aa aa aa aa aa aa, huN huN...
Mukesh: apne beemaar-e-Gham ko dekh le
ho sake to tu hamko dekh le
tune dekhaa na hogaa ye samaa - 2
kaise jaataa hai dam ko dekh le
aa jaa re, ab meraa dil pukaaraa
ro ro ke Gham bhi haaraa
badnaam na ho pyaar meraa
aa jaa re

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Rooth na jaana

Rooth na jaana tumse kahoon to
Main in aankhon mein jo rahoon to
Rooth na jaana tumse kahoon to
Main in aankhon mein jo rahoon to
Tum ye jaano ya na jaano
Tum ye maano ya na maano
Mere jaisa deewana tum paaoge nahin
Yaad karoge main jo na hoon to
Rooth na jaana tumse kahoon to

Meri ye deewangi kabhi na hogi kam
Jitne bhi chaahe tum karlo sitamb
Meri ye deewangi kabhi na hogi kam
Jitne bhi chaahe tum karlo sitamb
Mujhse bolo ya na bolo
Mujhko dekho ya na dekho
Ye bhi maana mujhse milne aaoge nahin
Saare sitamb hanske main sahoon to
Rooth na jaana tumse kahoon to

Prem ki dariya mein lehrein hazaar
Lehron mein jo bhi dooba hua vohi paar
Prem ki dariya mein lehrein hazaar
Lehron mein jo bhi dooba hua vohi paar
Oonchi neechi neechi oonchi
Neechi oonchi oonchi neechi
Lehron mein tum dekho kaise aaoge nahin
Main in lehron mein jo bahoon to
Rooth na jaana tumse kahoon to

Tum ye jaano ya na jaano
Tum ye maano ya na maano
Mere jaisa deewana tum paaoge nahin
Rooth na jaana tumse kahoon to
Main in aankhon mein jo rahoon to

Rooth na jaana tumse kahoon to
Main in aankhon mein jo rahoon to

Tere Mere Milan Ki Ye Raina

Tere Mere Milan Ki Ye Raina
Naya Koi Gul Khilayegi
Tabhi To Chanchal Hain Tere Naina
Dekho Na
Dekho Na, Tere Mere Milan Ki Ye Raina

Nanha Sa Gul Khilega Angna
Sooni Bainyaan Sajegi Sajna
Jaise Khele Chanda Baadal Mein
Khelega Vo Tere Aanchal Mein
Chandaniya Gungunayegi
Tabhi To Chanchal Hain Tere Naina, Dekho Naa...

Tujhe Thaame Kai Haathon Se
Miloonga Madbhari Raaton Mein
Jagake Ansuni Si Dhadkan
Balamvaa Bhar Doongi Tera Man
Nayi Ada Se Satayegi
Tabhi To Chanchal Hain Tere Naina, Dekho Naa...

Dam bhar jo udhar munh phere

Dam bhar jo udhar munh phere
(Dam bhar jo udhar munh phere, o chanda
Main unse pyaar kar loongi, baatein hazaar kar loongi) - 2
Dil karta hai pyaar ke sajde - 2
Aur main bhi unke saath
Chaand ko chanda roz hi dekhe
Meri pehli raat, ho meri pehli raat
Baadal mein ab chhup jaa re o chanda
Main unse pyaar kar loongi, baatein hazaar kar loongi

Dam bhar jo idhar munh phere
Dam bhar jo idhar munh phere, o chanda
Main unse pyaar kar loonga, nazrein to chaar kar loonga
Main chor hoon, kaam hai chori - 2
Duniya mein hoon badnaam
Dil ko churaata aaya hoon main
Yehi mera kaam, ho yehi mera kaam
Aana tu gawaahi dene, o chanda
Main unse pyaar kar loonga, nazrein to chaar kar loonga

Dil ko churaake kho mat jaana - 2
Raah na jaana bhool
In kadmon se kuchal na dena
Mere dil ka phool, ho mere dil ka phool
Yeh baat unhe samjha de, o chanda
Main unse pyaar kar loongi, baatein hazaar kar loongi

Dam bhar jo idhar munh phere, o chanda
Main unse pyaar kar loonga, nazrein to chaar kar loonga

Dam bhar jo udhar munh phere

Friday, March 02, 2007

Centennial Celebration

Hi blog!!

Wish you a very happy centennial celebration. I thank all the visitors for visiting my blog and hope you enjoy browsing around the hundred great posts (:p Atleast for me) that I have for you all.


Welcome - A Note Written for an old personal blog

Glad that i started this blog to speak out opinions and ideas. The other blog satyam sivam sundaram that I started fortunately or unfortunately turned out to be the blog I still most like, not because I have my "personal" musings but because I have some of my most cherished things and issues through out my life. Anyway I think those of you who come to see this blog would already have gone through that.

I would also would like to tell you some thing of the timing of starting this blog. It is march 1st that I had a great feeling about our country rushing through my veins and nerves, getting me through a phase of goosebumps. March 1st 1998, nine years back from now, I was standing with my jaw dropped and dumbstruck watching the performance of "vandematharam" on the stage of our college. I linked it somehow, with my academic performance being questioned when my competitor got the recognition of the huge gathering.Isn't it disgusting?!! No!! Not for you! And neither for me NOW. But that made my goosebumps go goose "spikes". ;) From that time, I think I celebrate my first experience of passion, passion for my country, passion to excel in my career. every year. May be not publicly. But privately and personally deep in my heart. :). I think this is a kind of out come of such celebration.

One more reason, for this new blog is that I have posted my 100th post in my old blog and I also am starting my "clinical encounter" as a new blog where I would like to post about challenges I get in my career.

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people."

I don't know who said this, but is true to its depth. I don't claim myself that I am a great mind, but i assure here that I don't want to express my opinions about people or events but would rather talk about general ideas and issues.